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    5 Events You Can’t Miss This Fall

    By Visit Jackson Hole
    Jackson Hole Town Square in the Fall. Jackson Hole Town Square in the Fall, Photo: Nick Sulzer.

    In Fall, the culture of Jackson comes to life. With events as vibrant as the colors in the mountains and cultural festivals as rich as the dishes served at local restaurants, many locals argue fall is the best time to be in Jackson. And these five events are the highlight of it all.

    The colorful trees that line Hoback Canyon, the cool mornings hikes in Cache Creek, and the pumpkin spice lattes at Cowboy Coffee should be enough to inspire a fall visit to Jackson Hole. But in case that didn't convince you, these five events in September and October will certainly do the trick. From gallery strolls to live music, art sales to fun runs, this list is designed to encourage you to pack that fall sweater and meet us in the Tetons.

    Fall in Grand Teton National Park.


    As the leaves change and mountain peaks get dusted with snow, scenic drives, bike rides, and hikes can offer the area’s most beautiful views of the year. Jackson and the national parks slow down a bit as summer winds down and wildlife begin preparation for winter.


    Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival

    September 4-15, 2024

    The premier art festival in the Rocky Mountain West, the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival attracts thousands of visitors annually. Over the span of 12 days, 30 of the best Western artists converage in Jackson and entertain at gallery walks, shows and sales, and live art events.

    A few highlights of the festival include Palates & Palettes (a free art walk with food and drinks at each location), Arts on the Green (an art fair on the Center for the Arts Lawn), Western Visions (the National Museum of Wildlife Art’s biggest fundraiser of the year), and the Jackson Hole QuickDraw (a 90-minute live art event followed by a live auction).

    The full schedule of events and tickets can be found here:

    Fall Arts Festival

    Pumpkins on Fire

    October 5, 2024

    The Art Association’s “Pumpkins on Fire” event includes everything you love about fall. There’s cider and soup, pumpkins, live music, and fire. Not to mention that it’s an outdoor, community celebration with creativity at the heart.

    Put on a cozy sweater and head to the Center for the Arts Lawn where locally-made ceramic pumpkins enter the kiln before going on sale to the public.

    Pumpkins on Fire

    Old Bill’s Fun Run

    September 7, 2024

    This no-start, no-end fundraiser has received national attention for the unique atmosphere it creates and its incredible success. If you’re in Jackson Hole the first weekend of September, you can’t miss it! Head downtown on Saturday and join the run (timed and non-timed options are available) or just wonder around and take in the festival vibes.

    The reason Old Bill’s calls itself a “no-start, no-end” race is because “it ends as it start­ed, togeth­er, unit­ed in a greater pur­pose.” So while you’re at the event getting to know the hundreds of non-profits who complete mission work in Jackson, don’t hesitate to give a little. Every dollar is matched and goesstraight back into this community you love to explore!

    Old Bills

    Old Bill's Fun Run on the Town Square.

    Farmer’s Market Fall Festival

    September 29, 2024

    The Jackson Hole Farmer’s Market takes place on Town Square every Saturday from the last weekend in June to the last weekend in September. But the feel of the market changes when summer turns to fall – harvest season. Local produce vendors start to bring squash and hearty greens while food trucks serve hot chocolate and warm breakfasts.

    On the last market of the season, all of downtown Jackson gets involved. The stores surrounding Town Square host sidewalk sales and local bluegrass band, One Ton Pig, plays live music on the Square.

    Farmers Market Fall Fest

    Bonus event: The Jackson Hole Marathon takes place on the same day as the Farmer’s Market Fall Festival! Runners can do a marathon, half marathon, or quarter marathon before hitting up the festival and rewarding themselves with a beer at Roadhouse Brewing.

    Old Bill's Fun Run on the Town Square.

    Stagecoach Band or One Ton Pig

    All Fall, Tuesdays and Sundays

    Jackson does live music different than most places. While it’s no secret that the Tetons attract headliners from around the world, sometimes the best gigs are the local bands who take the stage at our hometown watering holes. When the dance floor is packed and everyone seems to know each other, you’ll know you’re in the right spot.

    Every Tuesday, One Ton Pig takes over the famous Silver Dollar Bar inside the historic Wort Hotel. Get there early in the evening to grab a table and a bite to eat before the place fills up and you get pulled onto the dance floor.

    One Ton Pig

    Every Sunday at the Stagecoach Bar their resident band, The Stagecoach Band, hits the stage. The band is such a staple to Jackson’s live music scene that it’s estimated they’ve performed more than 2,500 gigs at the Stagecoach in the last 44 years. To say they know their audience is an understatement. Locals call it “Sunday Church.”

    Stagecoach Band
