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    Fat Biking

    Singletrack in the winter? You bet.

    Biking in Jackson Hole is a year-round sport, thanks to fat bikes and groomed singletracks. If you can ride a bike, you can fat bike.

    With deeply treaded and sometimes studded tires as wide as 5 inches, a fat bike can ride on any of the more than 40 fat-bike-friendly groomed trails in Jackson Hole and Teton Valley. “I spent my whole life thinking, ‘I can’t ride a bike in winter,’ but once I got on a fat bike, a lightbulb clicked,” says David Hunger, known in Jackson Hole as the godfather of fat biking for his early advocacy of the sport. From navigating the pathway system in town to long, open scenic stretches with Teton views to singletrack mountainous trails that get your adrenaline pumping, fat biking is a great way to explore towns, mountains, and scenery and a unique option for playing on snow.

    Fat biking and skiing are perfect counterparts. “When it’s high pressure and there is no powder, those are the perfect conditions for fat biking. Instead of a bad ski day, you can have a good day riding a bike” says Hunger, who’s also the founder of Teton Mountain Bike Tours, which offers fat bike rentals and guided trips.

    LIve by the Wild Rules

    Questions about fat biking in Jackson Hole

    Local Tip

    Trail etiquette is crucial when fat biking, especially when riding in areas that are multi-use. With several inches of fresh snow, or when temperatures have been above freezing, fat bikes can leave deep ruts in groomed trails. Biking in these conditions can ruin the trails and make future grooming more difficult. If you notice that you’re leaving a rut in your wake, conditions aren’t right for fat biking.

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