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    Get Some Selfie Control

    We've all seen the videos on social media: someone gets too close to a bison for a selfie and the next thing you know, they are on the news with wild-animal-induced injuries. "Getting the shot" is not worth the risk to you or the wildlife, and a little self control can go a long way in Jackson Hole.

    Selfie Control is your reminder that viewing and taking photos of wildlife is allowed and acceptable, but staying the appropriate distance is more than a suggestion. It’s a requirement - for your safety and the safety of the animal. Wildlife are at home here in the Tetons, even if it’s on the side of the road or trail. Humans are just guests.

    Keep your distance. Give bears, other large carnivores, and large nesting birds at least 100 yards of space. And give all other animals, including bison, elk, and moose, at least 25 yards of space.

    Selfie Control Instagram Filter

    We get it; it’s hard to tell if a moose or bison is 25 or 100 yards away just by “eyeballing” it, especially when you’re in a place like Grand Teton or Yellowstone National Park with sprawling, wide open spaces. That’s why we created the Selife Control filter—an Instagram filter to help you gauge proper distance while still letting you get that shot.

    Simply tap the Selife Control filter button below, navigate to the wildlife you are looking at, and align the animal’s outline to the icon. If the animal is bigger than the icon, you’re too close! Back up to the appropriate distance, take a photo, tag @visitjacksonhole, and share.

    Selfie Control Filter

    Winter Bison in Grand Teton National Park

    Wildlife Tours

    Experience the wild side of Jackson Hole on a guided safari.


    Explore More

    • A Local Guide to Wildlife Watching in the GYE

      It’s no secret that Jackson Hole is a haven for wildlife.

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    • Why You Should Hire a Wildlife Guide in Jackson Hole

      Jackson Hole is well known for its iconic winter wildlife, including moose, bison, elk, bald eagles, trumpeter swans, and maybe even wolves. While driving around and looking for wildlife on your own is a great way to spend a day, hiring a wildlife guide can help maximize your viewing experience.

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    • What Can I Do In Jackson Hole In A Day?

      What can you do in Jackson Hole in a day? Turns out... quite a bit!

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