Adventure Sustainably
Live by the Wild Rules.
Mother Nature’s greatest feats are everywhere, and they were here first.
Snow capped mountains. Generations of elk herds. Pine trees that touch the sky. Here in Jackson Hole, we’re lucky enough to live among them. Natural wonders and the surrounding wildlife blazed every trail. Let's not lose our way exploring these paths and forget our place in the wild.
We take great pride in sharing our favorite and most beautiful spaces with every visitor. We want to share the gifts the land has given us with everyone because we know they are not ours to keep.
Remember while you're here that you are visiting for the same exact reasons as everyone else, and everyone deserves to experience the magic of this place. Here's our reminder that the wild rules.
Responsible Recreation Tips
Recreating responsibly goes beyond sharing the trail and following the rules — it begins with a reverence for this place and a commitment to keeping it intact for future generations. These wild places deserve our respect and care, as do fellow recreationists we meet along the way. May we all better share this place with others and leave the moose, ospreys, and marmots to exist in peace.
Recreate Responsibly with Dogs
- Keep dogs leashed or under strict voice control at all times.
- Always pick up and properly dispose of dog poop.
- Don’t let your dog disturb wildlife or people. You are in charge of your dog’s behavior on trails. Always comply with leash rules.
- Dogs are not allowed on trails in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks or on the National Elk Refuge. They are allowed on roads in these protected areas but only when leashed.
Wildlife Tips
How we're staying wild.
THE TETONS- A Grand Teton National Park Timelapse Film
There is something special about Grand Teton National Park that draws awe from locals and visitors around the world. In this film, THE TETONS, the stunning beauty and rugged power of this range are on full display from unique vantage points around the valley.
Watch the Video -
Jackson Hole- Protecting Our Wild
Jackson Hole- Protecting Out Wild is our rallying cry for community sustainability in the valley.
Watch the Video -
Get Some Selfie Control
We've all seen the videos on social media: someone gets too close to a bison for a selfie and the next thing you know, they are on the news with wild-animal-induced injuries. "Getting the shot" is not worth the risk to you or the wildlife, and a little self control can go a long way in Jackson Hole.
Watch the Video
Camping tips
Tips for getting around
Contribute to sustainability while traveling
Give back to the land with a few hours of your time. Being wild in Jackson Hole is an effort that provides responsible tourism opportunities so visitors can connect with our wildlife and landscapes through volunteer experiences.

Sustainable Destination Management Plan
Sustainable tourism protects more than just the environment. Great destinations are also great places to live and work. And we want to keep it that way. That’s why the Teton County is prioritizing destination stewardship with a renewed focus on protecting the environment, ensuring the long-term prosperity of the community, and building a sustainable local economy while enhancing residents’ quality of life.
Teton County's longstanding tradition of conservation starts with being home to the first national park in the world (Yellowstone), and the establishment of national forests, the National Elk Refuge, Grand Teton National Park, and Wild & Scenic River designation for the Snake River. But it doesn't end there.
ExploreExplore More
Plan Ahead for Your Backcountry Adventure in Jackson Hole
The better prepared you are, the more you’ll enjoy getting into the backcountry.
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How to Have a Car-Less Jackson Hole Vacation
The best way to experience Jackson Hole is without a car.
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The Mountain Neighbor Handbook
Thank you to this local's guide to stewardship in the Tetons for many of the tips and resources provided on this webpage.
Read The Handbook -
Leave No Trace
The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace provide a simple framework of minimum impact practices for anyone visiting the outdoors. Although Leave No Trace has its roots in backcountry settings, the Principles can be applied anywhere — from remote wilderness areas, to local parks and even in your own backyard, and almost every recreational activity.
Learn More about LNT -
Sustainable Business Guide
Sustaining Jackson Hole's enviromental, social and economic health now and for future generations.
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